Is Coffee Healthy or Unhealthy?


While coffee is a daily ritual for many, it might come out as poison for some.

So whether you should drink coffee or not is quite controversial, and most people only go for what they like or don’t like about it.

For instance, one can say I can’t take coffee because it has caffeine while another person will say, I must take coffee because it’s high in antioxidants.

While all this is true, here are a few facts you should put into consideration before you conclude anything about coffee

Coffee can boost your energy levels by making you less tired.

This is because it contains caffeine, which stimulates the brain, leaving you more alert and energetic.

It contains essential nutrients

Coffee offers beneficial nutrients, including potassium manganese, riboflavin, magnesium, pantothenic acid, and niacin.

It may also lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

According to studies, coffee drinkers have up to 65% reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease, a leading cause of dementia globally.

It may cause digestive issues

While a cup in the morning may help with your bowel movements, too much coffee may lead to loose stools or diarrhea.

It may also worsen gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in a few individuals.

Can cause high blood pressure

Although coffee has not been shown to increase the risk of stroke and heart disease in the general public, it stimulates the nervous system, which has led to increased blood pressure in different studies.

May increase fatigue

Caffeine in coffee is known to increase energy levels, alertness, and mood. However, it may also cause rebound fatigue once the stimulant wears off. This may leave you feeling more tired than the days you don’t drink coffee.

It May lead to insomnia

While it will help you stay awake during the day, too much coffee may inhibit restorative sleep.

It’s in your deep sleep that the body rebuilds and repairs itself. Too much coffee can only interfere with normal body processes exposing you to different health risks.

It’s addictive

Regular intake of high amounts of coffee may cause physical and psychological dependency. Some people may even elicit withdrawal symptoms like fatigue and headaches.

May lead to anxiety

Caffeine increases alertness by blocking a brain chemical that causes tiredness.

It also triggers the fight-or-flight adrenalin hormone, which is associated with increased energy.

But, in excessive amounts, these effects may become definite, causing nervousness and anxiety.

Take note that different people have different responses to varying amounts of coffee. So it’s good to understand how your body responds.

It causes increased urine frequency and agency

The compounds in coffee stimulate the bladder, causing frequent urination with increased agency.

This cannot be very pleasant, especially at work and when traveling.

While coffee has some health benefits, it has its downfalls as well.

And from all these facts, you can’t really crown coffee as good or bad. However, since it can negatively affect your health, it’s better to consume low amounts or acquire its benefits from other health dietary sources.
