The Vegan and the Babysitter

Love.  An incredibly powerful of emotion that has echoed through the ages.  It comes in many guises – love of a partner, our children, a country, a football team, a painting or even a favourite meal.  Humans just love to express their love of so many things, including animals.  “I’m an animal lover” sounds great, […]

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Vegan parents. Vegan kids?

As we know, by going vegan you make a positive commitment to leading a healthy, cruelty-free lifestyle.  Yet if being vegan is so positive, as caring parents, shouldn’t we be looking to ensure that our children are also vegan? When we bring a new life into the world, as a vegan, that comes with the […]

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Wearing vegan armour

There can be times when you find yourself feeling rather alone when being challenged by family, friends or colleagues at work as to “What’s wrong with eggs?” or “How do you live without cheese?”

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